What is COVID-19?


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as illness caused by a novel coronavirus now called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. It was initially reported to the WHO on December 31, 2019. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health emergency. On March 11, 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

Bacteriology is the conventional branch of Microbiology, which focuses on basic microbiology, host-pathogen interactions, biochemistry, molecular biology and mechanisms, ecology and epidemiology of bacteria. Parasitology is a closest relative of Medical Microbiology that encompasses the parasite world ranging from protozoans to helminthes. The Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology is specialist journal, which is known for its state-of –the –art presentation of the latest discoveries in Bacteriology and Parasitology.

Bacteriology and Parasitology is a dynamic field, as these worms constantly change the morphology, hosts, and host relationships. Therefore, Journal of Bacteriology and Parasitology adds new discoveries to our basic knowledge by which the information transforms from basic understanding to practical and clinical application. Since, these fields producing exciting discoveries and information on a regular basis, the Journal Bacteriology and Parasitology updates the microbiologists, pathologists, clinicians and veterinary specialists. As an electronic based Open Access journal, The Journal of Bacteriology and Parasitology is the prime priority among the research communities for updated path breaking discoveries in Bacteriology and Parasitology.

This journal considers articles from all aspect of understanding related to bacteriology and parasitology, which includes Bacterial Ecology, Parasitic Infection, Pathogenic Bacteria, Bacterial toxin, Bacterial genomics, Bacteraemia, Salmonella, Bacterial Diseases, Intestinal parasites, Parasitic Worms, Anthrax, Clostridial infections, Leprosy, Listeriosis, etc. High quality submissions are expected to maintain the standard of the journal and to attain high impact factor.

Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology is using Editorial Tracking System for quality in review process. Editorial Tracking is an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems used by most of the best open access journals. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Bacteriology & Parasitology or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor's approval is required for acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts https://www.longdom.org/submissions/bacteriology-parasitology.html or as an e-mail attachment to bacteriology@emedsci.com